Pink is a beautiful colors, looks more amazing and beautiful not only in bubble or with girls but also in nature such as the flowers. Today we are going to tell an amazing pink colored lake known as Lake Hillier. It is situated on Middle Island (which is the largest of the Recherche Archipelago) off the south coast of Western Australia. The lake is very popular among locals and tourists due to its amazingly pink color.

Lake Hillier in Australia, which looks like a huge bubble gum watching from air through window of airplane, is not a small one and it covers the area about 600 meters in length and 250 meter in width surrounded by woodland and sand.

The swimming adventure of tourists remains incomplete because it is not allowed to anyone because of research doing by scientists. According to them the pink color comes from a dye created by halophilic bacteria. Anyhow visitors can admire tour only from helicopter rides. It is an expensive and only way but an excited one to enjoy amazing sightseeing of the amazing Lake Hillier. The helicopter service is provided from nearest town.

The Hillier Lake was first discovered in 1802 by the cartographer named Mathew Flinders. His mentioned entries in his journal are considered as very first written records. The lake was used to salt mining in past but now it is purely used for tourism. It is part of the protected area known as the Recherche Archipelago Nature Reserve.

The water of lake is clean and safe to swim and causes no harm to human skin but impossible to do as swimming in lake is not allowed. There are some other pink color lakes in the world even in Australia and Hillier Lake is not only one.  

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