The Louvre Museum, Top Tourist Attraction in Paris

Having over 35000 pieces of art The Louvre Museum in Paris is world’s most important and famous museum. Originally a royal palace, people who have an interest in art must visit this museum. Statue of Venus of Milo and the painting of Mona Lisa are the most celebrated works of art with original shape available in The Louvre. The 60000 square feet huge Louvre Museum is located along with the banks of River Seine. Outside of building is a memorable landmark a glass pyramid can be often view in photographs of museum.

Beautiful Wallpaper of Louvre Museum and Paramid
The history of Louvre Museum Paris stars in the period of 12th century when Philippe Auguste built a fortress on the border of the city to protect Paris city from Anglo-Norman. In sixteenth century Louis XIV converted his residence into Louvre, which remained a palace for several centuries. In same era Louvre Museum was established as the Private collection of the King. Famous Mona Lisa painting was purchased and became a part of the Museum. Many of the collections were purchased by different upcoming Kings. Different modern rulers made several expansions in the palace such as King Henri IV built the Grande Galerie, which is over a quarter of a mile long, while Louis XIII completed the Denon Wing construction. During French Revolution, in 1793, the Louvre became a national art museum having private royal collections and fist time opened for public. The Nike of Samothrake and the Dying Slave by Michelangelo are the other famous works of art in the museum.

There are three large wings in Louvre easily accessible entering the museum through the Louvre Pyrimid or via the Carrousel du Louvre. Names of the three wings are Sully, Richelieu, and Denon. The lower ground floor of Sully wing has the collection of some remnants of the medieval castle of the Louvre while the collection of French paintings, drawings and prints are located on second floor and the oldest part of the Louvre. The erotic “Turkish Bath” painted by Jean Aguste in the late eighteenth century. The antiquities in the thirty rooms are the major works displayed in the first and ground floors. The ancient Egyptian artifacts and sculptures such as “Seated Scribe” and a colossal “statue of Pharaoh Ramesses II” are the other best collection you find here.   
Interior Louvre Museum
 Interior Louvre Museum
Interior Louvre Museum
The Richelieu Wing has the collection of paintings from across Europe of the Middle Ages to 19th century such as Rubens and Rembrandt are the master pieces that can be seen on the second floor. On the first floor of Richelieu Wing has some antique collection of decorative arts, with objects such as clocks, furniture, china and tapestries. The Lacemaker from Jan Vermeer and the Virgin of Chancellor Rolin, a 15th century work by the Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck are the other most notable collections at Richelieu Wing. A large collection of sculptures are decorated around two glass covered courtyards named “Cour Puget and Cour Marly” on the ground floor. Many of the sculptures are created in 18th century with marbles by Guillaume Coustou. The main attraction of the house is Code of Hammurabi, which is a well-preserved Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia from 1754 BC.
Louvre Museum With Paramid
Louvre Museum and Paramid
The most visited wing of Louvre Museum is the Denon Wing. Tour to Louvre Museum cannot be completed without seeing the biggest crowed puller work of art the Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, also known as Mona Lisa (a woman portrait created by Leonardo da Vinci), display on Denon’s first floor in room no. 13, behind a glass case. After taking a look of this classy work go ahead and see the other famous work such as the ancient Greek statue Venus de Milo from 130 B.C. and the Virgin and Child with St. Anne by da Vinc. A Greek marble statue of Winged Victory of Samothrace is another top attraction in Denon Wing. Wide collection of Roman and Etruscan antiquities and sculptures collection from 14th to 19th century is waiting on the ground floor. Some antique objects from rest of the world can be seen in eight rooms on the ground floor.
Louvre Museum Paris Inside
Louvre Museum Paris Inside
Louvre Pyramid is the most recent added construction functions as the main entrance of Louvre Museum built in 1989 by I.M. Pei (a popular American architect). The amazing glassy pyramid lets the sunlight to enter the underground floor.
Some Top Collections of Louvre Museum of Paris
Winged Victory
Mona Lisa Painting
Venus of Milo

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